One fine day while running 50-100 containers for testing the scaling limits for docker, there was an interesting failures scenario where containers couldn't be created and the errors indicated that alpine Linux ran out of memory while creating containers.
Docker for mac version for mac#
Ok, after some brief general background about docker and non-Linux OSes, now here is the interesting story which prompted me to look deeper into how Docker for Mac was achieving its containerization goals. So the new solution introduced for the macOS was Docker for Mac which was a "so called native" way to run docker on non-Linux XNU kernel.

The docker folks started working on a more native solution for macOS after boot2docker started getting popular and widely used. A complete tooling to run docker on macOS for me was boot2docker which was a lightweight Linux distribution based on Tiny Core Linux made specifically to run Docker containers.

The first way to run docker on the non-Linux OSes was to use virtual machine(s) running some GNU/Linux distribution and then doing the whole container business within those VM(s). It means that these Linux kernel features were required on other operating systems too in case the docker had to be true Build Once, Run Anywhere solution which it promised to be. So technically speaking, now the Linux Kernel works like hypervisor to create isolated and self-contained user space instances encapsulating applications and their libraries dependencies. It has its roots in Linux kernel features cgroups and namespaces which provide Resources allocation control and Isolation in the user space, respectively.

This article was overdue but its better late then never :-).ĭocker is one of the most groundbreaking technologies/frameworks released in last few years. So here is the tell all when tried to join various pieces that time. I explored something interesting about Docker for Mac while using it first time last year.